A barium swallow study can be overwhelming and exhausting. To help better prepare you and your family, Coping With LM has created a list of suggest questions for you to ask.

1. How long will the test be?
2. Can I feed my baby prior to the test?
3. What should I do if my baby is breastfed and does not take a bottle?
4. My baby is on thickened feeds, should I bring his/her thickener?
5. What size bottle nipple should I bring?
6. Can I hold my baby during the test?
7. What position will my baby be fed in?
Upright? Side-laying? On his/her back?
8. Will my baby experience any side effects from the barium?
9. Will my baby be constipated afterwards? If so, what can I do to help?
10. I am pregnant, can I still be in the room during the test?
11. My baby is on reflux medication, should I give him/her the morning dose?
12. What should I do if my baby wakes up with a fever the day of the test?